Free Geek is a non profit that focuses on reducing electronic waste through refurbishing, reusing and recycling donations of electronic products. Their brand is down-to-earth, no frills, affordable and approachable.
I work as Free Geek Vancouver's social media designer; creating engaging content, bringing attention to special events and driving sales & promotions.
Women's History Month: Free Geek has a fairly balanced social media audience of all genders, but they may have previously focused their campaigns towards the more typically masculine audience.
I took advantage of Women's History Month as an opportunity to celebrate women in tech. While maintaining Free Geek's brand, I designed posts to illustrate two historical North American women and their contributions to the predominantly male industry of technology.
December Sale: To boost end of year sales, Free Geek Vancouver offered a two week discount, featuring different products each week. The task was to create a themed campaign to feature each weekly offering, bring awareness of the sale and maximise the online store revenue.
Case Study: The graph below indicates the success of my social media campaigns to gain revenue for Free Geek Vancouver, compared to the previous year. The blue lines indicating the improved sales of 2021, compared to 2020.
Particular improvements were made towards the end of December 2021, when the social media campaign, shown above, ran twice a week for two weeks.